I thought I would post a blog about my die hard, stuck through the pain to see the other side makeup pals. You know the ones I mean, although I like to swap and change and try new things there are always those certain pots or tubes or brushes that will always be there for you.
The first is No.7's Triple Protection Tinted Moisturiser. I remember buying my first one of these for my year 13 prom when I didn't really understand foundation so as a treat mumsy bought me this instead, and ever since I've been hooked. It's perfect for a little bit of coverage and has a really nice smell. I wear this more in the summer when I have a bit of a tan (hopefully) and so I don't like to wear so much makeup.
The next is Boiing from Benefit. I've been using this for a few years now, in fact it was a gift for my 19th birthday, as yu can see I've used quite a bit - but considering I wear it most days it lasts a long time! It's a good concealer and I find it's especially useful for the under eye area where I always have a dark under belly!
MaxFactor's Creme Puffs are also fab. I love them. I discovered them about a year ago I think, I used it a lot when I went travelling last summer as it gives you good even coverage without feeling like you've got a full face of makeup on (although there have been times where I've applied it sliiiightly tipsy and when I've hugged someone there was traces of the powder on their jumper....ooophs!) But tipsy application aside I really like these puffs, partly because of the name and also because I feel like it evens out my face colour wise. (It actually also smells really nice!)

Benefit's Dallas I tend to have a more on off relationship with, one month I love it and the next I don't. I think it depends on the weather, I tend to go quite pink when it's warm outside because I walk quickly and always put too many layers on so Dallas is no good for that. But it's great for gloomy days (ah to live in England) as its a blend of blusher and bronzer and for me the colour is just right! Don't be put off by the actual colour of the block, once it's applied its not as strong!
Finally, not strictly makeup but right in the same neighbourhood, is face wipes. Total Wipe Out Cleansing Wipes from Good Things are my absolute fave! They are so moist, like wet so I really feel it cleanses my face, plus it means they don't dry out like other face wipes do and because they're so moist I find that I can rip them into two, three or four pieces and only use a quarter of a wipe (stuffing the other pieces back in the packet) and a quarter will work perfectly!
So these are the staple pieces of makeup (and face wipes) that I love to use.
I tend to find that I'm more fickle with foundations and eye makeup. Foundation because each time I get tricked by the adverts of girls with perfect skin/I don't think I've found my soul-mate foundation yet and eye makeup just because its fun to experiment!
Do you have makeup staples? What are they?